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WPCA Regular Meeting 3-02-04

MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 1
REGULAR  MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 2, 2004                       

Members present:     Joseph Carino, Chairman; Ed Havens, Jr.; Carol Fletterick;
                                   Tim Moriarty; Richard Aries
Members absent:         Robert Dickinson; Michael Gauthier
Staff present:             Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control


Chairman Carino called the meeting to order at 7:35.


February 9, 2004

Chairman Carino noted the date of the previous meeting was listed incorrectly as February 3, 2004.  The correct date should read February 9, 2004, as listed above.

Also, on page 2 line 6, under Berry Patch II, the word “time” was incorrectly spelled as thime.  One line 7, under the same section, it was noted the line which states, “The present 6” line will be replaced by an 8” line and a new manhole installed”, would be more easily understood if it read “…..replaced by an 8” line and an additional manhole will be installed.”  On page 3, under W.P.C.A. & Pollution Control Budget, line 10, the worn equipment was incorrectly identified as propellers, this should read impelars.

Motion was made to approve the minutes of February 9, 2004, as amended.
        Motion was made by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously


Industrial/Commercial Sewer User Charges – Review & Approval

The FY 2003/2004 Sewer List for Industrial/Commercial Sewer User Charges was included in the agenda packet for this meeting.  This list is the water consumption reports from the various water companies.  In comparing this list with last years there has been a 14.3% increase in total flow, and a 13.9% increase in revenues.   Last years flows were down considerably and part of that can be attributed to the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) estimating flows and not making the adjustments for several quarters.  


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 2
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 2, 2004                       

 NEW BUSINESS, Continued

Mr. Moriarty asked if the flows were actual flows from the sewer line or consumption from the MDC and other water companies.  The figure received is for water consumption reported to us from the water companies. In the case of some companies the water consumption figures are for other purposes (lawn sprinklers), in that case the company must gain WPCA approval and measure the flow and report this figure in order to have the water consumption figure adjusted.  There are several locations the Water Company has reported a zero metered flow – in this instance the Water Company is asked to review the numbers to make certain there is not a mistake in the consumption figure.  Mr. Shaw is looking for approval of the commercial/industrial billing list and approval to proceed with the billing.  
Motion was made to approve the billing list for Industrial/Commercial Sewer User Charges for FY 2003/2004.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Ms. Fletterick
        The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Shaw asked if the motion included the direction to bill.  The motion did not include approval to bill therefore an amended motion follows.

Motion to amend the above motion to include the approval for billing of said charges contained in the  Industrial/Commercial Sewer User Charges FY 2003/2004 and to proceed with said billing.
        Motion was made by Mr. Moriarty
        Seconded by Mr. Havens
        The motion carried unanimously

Motion to approve the amended motion to the Industrial/Commercial Sewer User Billing List for FY 2003/2004 and authorize the billing of said charges.
        Motion was made by Mr. Aries
        Seconded by Moriarty
        The motion carried unanimously

W.P.C.A. By-laws – Review & Discussion

Chairman Carino asked the Authority members to review Section 2 the Rules of Procedure for the Water Pollution Control Authority.  Any changes to be made will be presented at the Public Hearing in June.

Chairman Carino stated in reviewing Section 2 there is nothing to explain who the Water Pollution Control Authority is.  The general consensus was the explanation of the WPCA should include the number of members (7) and the number of alternates (2) appointed to the authority.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 3
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 2, 2004                       


WPCA By-laws – Review and Discussion

The preamble states the authority was conferred by Chapter 103 of the General Statutes this should be expanded to include the Town Charter and Book of Ordinances.  

Mr. Shaw will put together a short explanation of who the W.P.C.A. is, this information  will be provided at the next meeting.

The definition of a quorum will also be changed to state two-thirds of the members must be present for a quorum.  The Bylaws for the Planning and Zoning Commission, Article VI will be used to expand on the definition of the alternates.

The duties of the Secretary of the Authority need to be explained more clearly.  Since the WPCA has a Recording Secretary, the duties listed for the Authority Secretary are not accurate.  

Mr. Shaw felt the duties of all the officers need to be more clearly defined.   Again, the Bylaws for the Planning and Zoning Commission can be used as a reference to expand on this area.  Mr. Shaw also explained to the Authority that after a discussion with the Town Attorney it was noted the Secretary for the Authority should be the person to sign off on all approved and adopted minutes.  At this time the Recording Secretary, for the WPCA and other commissions, are the ones signing off on the approved minutes.  The Secretary for the Authority should also read all the Legal Notices at the beginning of the Public Hearings, this duty is now done by the Recording Secretary.   These changes will be made under Section 2.7, Duties of the Secretary.  

Section 2.11, Order of Procedure should be changed to reflect the order in which the items are shown of the Agenda.  Currently the New Business portion is listed as Item H in the Rules of Procedure.  The Authority has moved the New Business section to Item C in order to accommodate representatives attending the meeting to make presentations.  This change will be reflected in the by-laws.

Section 2.17, Alternates pertains to the attendance and responsibilities of the alternate
members.  The present members agreed the alternates should be required to attend all meetings.  The policy at this time is for the alternates to attend 50% of the meetings.  The discussion that followed made it clear the alternates should be present at all the meetings in order to make an informed decision when asked to vote on a project.  This section will be addressed and a paragraph will be added regarding the attendance policy for permanent and alternate members.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 4
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 2, 2004                       


WPCA By-laws – Review and Discussion

Section 2.12 Suspension of Rules Mr. Moriarty asked what rules this section pertained to.  This section means the suspension of the rules of procedures that are explained in Section 2.11. per Roberts Rules of Order.   This section should be modified to explain what a suspension of rules means.

Section 2.13 Amendment of Rules this section needs to be clarified to state two-thirds affirmative vote is necessary to adopt an amendment to the rules.   

There was a short discussion regarding conflict of interest and who would make the determination that a member had a conflict and should not vote on a certain item.  Chairman Carino stated it is up to the individual involved to decide if he/she has a conflict of interest.  

Section 2.5 Duties of Chairperson if the above conflict of interest applies Mr. Moriarty  indicated he felt this section should be redefined. A portion of the section states “He/she shall not be deprived of his/her vote on any question.”  If the above explanation of a conflict of interest is the case Mr. Moriarty feels no one would be able to challenge or deprive the Chairperson from voting on any item.  Chairman Carino stated one member does not have the right to claim another member cannot vote on an item due to the member possibly having a conflict of interest.  It is up to the individual to decide if he/she does have a conflict of interest.

The Chairperson votes at all times, unless he/she, makes the determination that they have a conflict of interest, in other words the Chairperson’s vote is not used to break a tie vote.
The Chairperson participates in all discussions and votes unless the conflict of interest applies.  The definition of the Chairpersons voting rights is covered in the Planning & Zoning Rules under Article VII, Section 3.   

Mr. Shaw will draft a paragraph regarding the conflict of interest issue to be reviewed by the Authority at the next meeting.   The other changes will be compiled and presented at the next meeting as well.


Mr. Shaw brought to the attention of the Authority a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on Thursday, March 4, 2004. The ZBA will take up the application of a variance for a setback for the upgrade to the Avery Street Pump Station.  Mr. Shaw will be attending this meeting and extended the invitation to any other member who wishes to attend.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 5
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 2, 2004                       


Mr. Shaw received an invitation from the Chamber of Commerce for their Awards Dinner on March 21, 2004, inviting someone from the commission to represent the Authority.  Mr. Moriarty is attending and has agreed to represent the WPCA at this function.

Chairman Carino received a letter from the Board of Education inviting the W.P.C.A. to nominate an outstanding high school senior and/or an adult who has volunteered their time for the betterment of the South Windsor community.  Chairman Carino asked  anyone who is interested in nominating someone to obtain the application form from the recording secretary.

Mr. Shaw gave the Authority an update on the Environmental Services permit application the WPCA was to sign off on for the DEP permit.  At this time there are issues that have been raised regarding previous Town permits that were not obtained for this business.  In view of the fact the correct permits were not obtained by the property owner the Town is unable to sign off on the DEP permit.  The property owner has been notified of this matter.

On the agenda Public Participation is listed after Communications and Reports; the members agreed to have this item moved on the agenda to Item D and Communications and Reports moved to Item E.  This change will be reflected in the changes being presented at the next meeting.

In the Communication and Reports section it was requested that when possible the agenda list the ideas to be discussed.  At times the subject is known in advance and if this is the case it will be listed on the agenda.  If any member has a subject to discuss they are asked to call the recording secretary by Thursday before the Tuesday meeting to have their item added to the agenda.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Items not on the agenda) – None



Pleasant Valley Pump Station Improvements

Mr. Shaw gave an update on this project to the Authority.  The application for this project, for a low interest loan from the DEP, has been approved.  The Contractor and the Town have signed off on the Agreement, but have not met for the first pre-construction meeting.  They are currently waiting for the State to issue an Agreement stating the Bond Commission has approved of the loan.


MINUTES                                                                                                    PAGE 6
REGULAR MEETING              SPRENKEL ROOM                        MARCH 2, 2004                       



Motion was made to adjourn at 9:17 by Ms. Fletterick
        Seconded by Mr. Aries
        The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully submitted,


Date Approved:_____________________________